Why You Need to Develop Your Mental Strength to Succeed

Do you have the Mental Strength to run a successful business? When you start your own business or want to grow your business, do you consider how your mental strength influences and determines business performance? Too many business owners neglect their own psychology when building their business, preferring to focus on the tangibles. 

Is the way you work effective and efficient? On an average day, do you work at 50% capacity? or more like 70% capacity? Or more like 90% or over? Come on now, be honest. If you know there is room for improvement, you might want to consider your mental strength.

The mind is like the engine room of your business. The stronger, more resilient, and more capable your mind becomes, the more efficient and effective your performance. By performance, I mean how you get things done, the way you make decisions, how adaptable you are, how you respond to setbacks, and how you interact with everyone related to your business. Mental strength is important to your success and one of the most important factors in realising your potential. Does the way you work minimise stress and maximise enjoyment while you get tasks done?  Again this reflects the importance of your own mental skills. 

Apart from formal education and the school of hard knocks, there are very few places that teach people these skills. A lot of people would not even consider seeing a Psychologist to improve their mental strength, because they don’t think they are in a bad enough state to see a professional. And if they seek out a business coach, the coaching process usually does not deal with the intangibles of their business enough, including mental skills.

So many people learn the hard way. If the average person is only aware of 10% of their brain functioning, then there is no wonder why it takes on average twelve mistakes before a person changes the way they behave. Imagine if this means twelve failed startups before you succeed in business. Surely there is a way of preventing most of these mistakes from happening? Yes, by learning the psychological skills together with the business skills required for success

Your mental strength could become the competitive advantage you need to succeed.

You can reprogram your mind to help it work more effectively. When your mind runs well, you perform well. So just as you maintain your car or bicycle so that they run smoothly, you need to keep your mind running effectively.

It's never too late to open your mind to new possibilities, new ways of thinking, and to the success that can happen through focussing your efforts and learning the psychological skills necessary to succeed. 

As a coaching Psychologist, I help business people remove their self-sabotage and improve their psychology, including their mental strength. Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, and stay tuned, as I am almost finished writing a book on the psychology of business, and an accompanying course on the psychology of business.

At Charleston Consulting, we offer a variety of services that can help your psychological needs. If you would like to learn more, please check out the Thrive Learning Program course which can help to improve your quality of life. 


Feel free to send me an email and tell me what you think. I am happy to have a chat with you about how coaching psychology could help.

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